Again, and again, and again…

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I headed to the newly announced website with great hope under my fingers.

Alessandro, I told myself, this time they will surprise you. They will have done things right!

Ehm, no. It was not the case.

In the early hours of today, the site was marked as non-private. A new and valid SSL certificate was issued a few hours later to solve the problem.

I hit a couple of 404 errors here and there.

I tried to register my mobile phone number, but I could not even reach the page with the form to fill out.

The Public Administration has not made it again.

Very sad in 2022.

There are two other options to register. You can download a document, fill it and
send it to a specific email address. Not for me.

Finally, here’s the best shortcut: give a call to the number 06.42986411l, listen to what they have to say for a minute or two, and press 1. Done

Guess what I am talking about?

P.S. I guess this makes sense only to my Italian readers.

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