My car insurance expires on the first of January. I always just remembered that I needed to renew it when I received an email from the insurance company telling me I was late.
My insurance company is one of the most prominent Italian companies. It is supposed to be among the most innovative in its specific field.
That’s not the case.
As soon as it was available, I installed the company mobile application guessing it would have made my life easier. I registered on the website, logged in on the application with my credentials, and completely forgot it (i.e., I never opened it after my first login.)
I thought the application would be smart enough to alert me that my insurance was about to expire. It wasn’t. I had to rely on the email message received from the insurance broker.
I thought I would have been able to renew my insurance from the application. No, I couldn’t. No online payment options were available in the application.
I phoned the insurance broker to ask him to send me the amount due and the payment details via email. They were kind to me, but I did not receive any email messages.
I sent an email asking for the same information. They have yet to reply.
End of the story: I drove to the insurance broker’s office and paid my renewal. Lucky me, they accept credit cards.
It’s 2023, and digital transformation is not happening. As we say in Italian: lo stai facendo male.