Age of decadence

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

I rarely write about politics. It is such a personal topic that a fight is always around the corner. I am usually willing to fight and enjoy it, but this is not the case. This is not a post about politics.

Two things happened in the last few days.

The Italian Prime Minister resigned, and we are heading to elections in September.

A couple got married. Two girls and one of them is serving in the Carabinieri corps. As in every military corp, you may get married wearing the uniform, and if you like it, you may have a guard of honor.

Two news that made me crazy yesterdays.

Here’s my point:

  • The Prime Minister resigned because the personal interest of private parties prevailed over the country’s interest.
  • I wonder why, in 2022, the marriage between two girls has to make into the news. Come on, guys, seriously? Do you think we must consider that news? If you want to write about it, you should write about every single marriage in the country.

My grandfather was a Carabiniere; my uncle was in the military, serving as a senior officer for NATO. I know the culture.

How are this two news related to each other?

I went through the comments about the marriage on social media. Those comments are a clear explanation of what caused the resignation of our Prime Minister.

Those who wrote those comments have voted for the political class that forced our Prime Minister to resign, and they will vote for the next political class in September.

The problem here is culture, tolerance, and vision. The problem is not the political class but the people who will vote to elect them.

We entered an age of decadence a long time ago.

I am really sad about the country I am leaving to my sons as a heritage.

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