Scammers (trollati)

Sono una brutta persona…

Oggi ho dedicato la mia pausa pranzo ad uno scammer che mi ha fatto intravedere la possibilità di guadagnare una enorme somma di denaro grazie solo alla mia omonimia con un’altra persona.

Usando la ricerca immagini di Google avevo capito dopo due secondi che genere di conversazione sarebbe seguita e, alla bisogna, ho creato anche un indirizzo di posta elettronica temporaneo, ma credibile, su Guerrilla Mail.

Questa la trascrizione della mia conversazione (sino a che non mi sono stufato).

Charles Morgan
Hello Alessadro
Alessandro Galetto
Hello Charles
Charles Morgan
How are you doing today?
Alessandro Galetto
I am doing great, thank you
Charles Morgan
You are welcome..
Alessandro Galetto
how can I help you?
Charles Morgan
I actually contacted you because of a very important proposal that have to do with your last name, by the time you see the details of the proposal it will be of great interest and benefit to you..
Alessandro Galetto
I am listening
Charles Morgan
You have to send me your email so that i can forward the details of the proposal to you..
Alessandro Galetto
can you give me your email address?
or you can write me at
still there?
Charles Morgan
Just give me some few seconds so that i can forward it to you…
Alessandro Galetto
thank you
Charles Morgan
Alessandro Galetto
It must be a long message…
Charles? Are you still with me?
I think I am gonna loose this opportunity
Charles Morgan
I have forward it to you just check and get back to me..
Alessandro Galetto
Yeah, I know editing always takes some time
Got it!
it sounds like an incredible opportunity
Charles Morgan
Get back to me when you finish reading the proposal..
Alessandro Galetto
I can read quite fast, and it looks interesting to me
Charles Morgan
I can see you have interest in the proposal so i wanna assure you that this is a very secure transaction so you have nothing to be scared about hope you saw my content of assurance in the proposal..
Alessandro Galetto
I am not scared at all, Charles. Just eager to know what I have to do to pocket that money with you
Charles Morgan
The money is not with me, but you just told me that you have read the proposal but i can still see some misunderstanding from you base on the proposal..
Alessandro Galetto
yes, I understand that. I was just referring to the fact that we will take a cut of that money when the deal will be closed
Sometimes my English is not that good
Charles Morgan
Then to start with is for you to send your address, telephone number, and id card..
Alessandro Galetto
Sure, no problem.
Can I ask you about one detail?
Charles Morgan
This are important things that will be needed for verification..
Alessandro Galetto
I am sure it needed to keep the operation undercover, but I would like to have a confirmation
Charles Morgan
What confirmation do you need..
Alessandro Galetto
You name here is Charles Morgan, but the e-mail address states Morris Donard, even if it is signed as Charles Morgan
why there is this difference?
Charles Morgan
That is because i ask my secretary to forward the details to you i was doing something else so he probably used his email to send it either..
Alessandro Galetto
that makes sense
I am also a little bit worried that Facebook may read this conversation
can we stop using the word money and use another word instead? You decide
it would make me feel more comfortable
I would like the same with other things such as documents and other stuff
this is quite sensitive material, specially if you live in Italy
Charles Morgan
Then if that is gonna be a problem you have to send me your skype, yahoo messenger or gmail for convenient conversation..
Alessandro Galetto
I think that those can be intercepted as well.. I would like to stop using those words before moving on
Charles Morgan
We are not also allowed to use social media here in camp for security reasons so i’m not also convenient here on face book..
Let us be adopt the word transaction..
That will be ok by me..
Alessandro Galetto
what do you suggest to use as synonyms?
Charles Morgan
What do you suggest?..
Hello, are you there?
Alessandro Galetto
ok let’s call the money candies, the bank shop, my last name the client name, and let’s use paper wrap for the documents
Charles Morgan
That is accepted by me..
Alessandro Galetto
but now let me move from my desk, I don’t want my colleagues to sneak peak what I am writing
Charles Morgan
Ok but before you go, you have to send me those items i requested for ok
Alessandro Galetto
Sure. I need to go to the restrooms. The only place where I can get some privacy
I am walking
Charles Morgan
Alessandro Galetto
OK, I am there.. lucky me there is WiFi in here!
So to summarise
We have some candies that we can spare in a shop. In order to have those candies you need a client named with same name of the owner of the candies. To prove that you need me to send you paper wrap.
Charles Morgan
Alessandro Galetto
I am sending the paper wrap right away at the e-mail address your secretary wrote me from
I guess a scan will make it
Charles Morgan
Send it to this
Alessandro Galetto
got it!
Charles Morgan
Alessandro Galetto
Now I am eager to know what will happen after you will have received the paper wrap
hold on… someone is entering the restroom
Charles Morgan
Alessandro Galetto
ok, he’s gone
so, what will happen next?
Charles Morgan
I will send your application to the UNDP as a credible member of my late clint’s family Mr. William Galetto, and also file for claim od the candies as the beneficiary of the candies, after which the UNDP will have to contact you.. you don’t have to worry because i will give you the necessary guild to whatever they will request from you..
Alessandro Galetto
I can’t wait to move to the next steps and have those candies at home
Charles Morgan
Alessandro Galetto
I can’t stay in the restroom all day long
I need to go back to my desk
I’ll send you the paper wrap and when you will have received it we will talk again
Sounds like a plan?
Charles Morgan
Alessandro Galetto
Charles, thank you very much for the idea of the candies.
Talk to you later
Charles Morgan
Talk to you later..